Mixed, improper, decimal conversions

Fill in any box and then click "Calculate". The mixed fraction in the first box is in this form: the whole number followed by space(s), followed by numerator, then "/" and denominator, e.g. 2 1/3.

Mixed(e.g. 20 1/2) Improper (41/2) Decimal (20.5)
= = =
Percent (2050%) Scientific (2.05e1)
% =

Fraction operations

Fill in any two fractions in the left boxes, click an operator (Cmp means "Compare") and then click "Calculate". Guess what? We can even handle negative fractions or integers. A mixed fraction in any box is in this form: the whole number followed by space(s), followed by numerator, then "/" and denominator, e.g. 2 1/3.
